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The Ultimate 2025 Guide to Tattoo Aftercare (Day By Day)

So, you’ve just got a fantastic new tattoo—now what? The healing process is crucial to ensure that your new ink stays vibrant, clean, and lasts for many years to come. It might surprise you, but the most important part of getting a tattoo isn’t just about the artwork—it’s about aftercare. The steps you take during the healing period will directly affect both the aesthetic quality of your tattoo and your overall health.

Understanding the Healing Process:
The healing time for a tattoo can vary depending on several factors such as agehealthskin type, and the location of the tattoo on your body. Larger tattoos may require more time to heal than smaller ones, and tattoos in areas with more movement (like the elbows or knees) could take longer as well.

There’s a lot of misleading information floating around about tattoo aftercare. But don’t worry! We at Aureo Roma have put together a thorough, step-by-step guide to help you avoid mistakes and keep your tattoo looking flawless and, most importantly, healthy.

Before Getting a Tattoo: Pre-Care Tips

Good preparation is essential before the tattoo session. Here are five key tips to follow:

  1. Sleep well the night before.
    Rest is vital to avoid feeling sluggish and unwell during the tattoo session.

  2. Avoid alcohol and drugs before and during the tattooing process.
    They can thin your blood, leading to excessive bleeding, which can make the process more painful and affect the final result.

  3. Eat a balanced meal before your session.
    A good meal will help keep your energy up and stabilize your blood sugar levels.

  4. Bring snacks if you’re expecting a long session.
    Tattoos can take hours, and maintaining your energy is important for both you and the artist.

  5. Drink plenty of water before and during the process.
    Hydration is key to your body’s ability to heal quickly and keep your skin in top condition.

Fully Healed Tattoo by Alex Aureo @aureoroma

The Best Way to Make Your Tattoo Heal

Your tattoo artist will provide you with specific instructions for aftercare. It’s imperative to follow these guidelines precisely, as your artist is an expert in the field and knows what’s best for your tattoo.

Here's a day-by-day guide to tattoo aftercare:


Immediately after the tattoo session, your artist will likely use either plastic wrap or a special adhesive film to protect the tattoo. Here's what to do:

  • Plastic wrap (if used): Keep it on for 3-4 hours after your tattoo. When you remove it, wash the tattoo gently with lukewarm water—never hot—and apply a new, breathable covering before bed. You may keep it on for the first 3 days.

  • Adhesive film (preferred by many artists): Keep it on for 48 hours. This protects the tattoo from bacteria and promotes optimal healing.

Tip #1: Sleep with clean sheets to avoid exposing your tattoo to dirt or bacteria. If you're worried about staining your sheets, use old ones.

Tip #2: Always dab your tattoo dry with a clean towel or kitchen paper—never rub it. This prevents irritation and protects the skin.

During these first few days, treat your tattoo as an open wound. Avoid touching it with dirty hands or anything that might cause an infection.

Fully Healed Tattoo by Alex Aureo @aureoroma


At this point, you can begin washing and moisturizing your tattoo.

  • Remove the adhesive film (if used) after 48 hours.

  • Wash the tattoo gently with lukewarm water.

  • Pat dry the area gently, don’t rub.

  • Apply a thin layer of moisturizer—look for one that’s antibacterialsoothing, and regenerative.

Wash the area 2-3 times a day and always allow the tattoo to dry completely before applying more moisturizer.


The healing process continues as you maintain a routine of cleansing and moisturizing.

  • Always wash your hands thoroughly before touching your tattoo.

  • Do not use towels, sponges, or cloths to clean the tattoo—opt for your hands or kitchen paper.

  • For larger tattoos, healing may take extra time—continue your care for a full 2 weeks or more if necessary.

Key Things to Expect During Healing

  • Swelling and redness: This is completely normal and should subside within a few days.

  • Oozing: You might notice bloodlymph fluid, or ink oozing in the first few days. This is part of the body’s natural healing process.

  • Crusts and scabs: Scabs form as the tattoo heals. Resist the urge to pick at them, as they protect the tattoo and prevent infection. Itching is also common during this phase.

  • Mild discomfort: Especially with larger tattoos, you may feel mild discomfort or flu-like symptoms. This is normal, and your body should recover after a few days.

Fully Healed Tattoo by Alex Aureo @aureoroma

How to Speed Up the Healing Process of My New Tattoo

  • Gently dab any oozing fluid to avoid scabs from becoming too large.

  • Avoid hot water when washing your tattoo. Lukewarm water is ideal.

  • Ensure the tattoo is completely dry before applying moisturizer. Trapping moisture underneath the cream can lead to swelling or excess scabbing.

  • Cold compresses can help with itching, but only after the tattoo has formed a protective top layer.

  • Drink plenty of water. Proper hydration supports faster skin regeneration and keeps your tattoo looking vibrant.

  • Follow the artist's instructions—while friends and family might offer advice, your artist’s guidance is the best.

Myths About Tattoos to Ignore

Many myths about tattoos and their care have been passed down over the years. Here are some of the most common ones:

  • “You can’t donate blood if you have a tattoo”FALSE—You can donate blood one year after getting a tattoo.

  • “You can’t get an MRI with a tattoo”FALSE—Modern tattoos are made with safe inks that do not react during an MRI.

  • “Applying more cream speeds up the healing process”FALSE—Using excess cream can slow down healing by preventing the skin from breathing.

  • “Swimming in chlorine pools fades tattoos”FALSE—Chlorine doesn’t fade tattoos, but the real danger is the bacteria in the pool that could cause infection.

  • “Drinking alcohol or taking aspirin reduces pain during tattooing”WRONG—Alcohol and aspirin can thin your blood, causing more bleeding during the tattoo session.

  • “Tattoos turn green or blue when you get older”FALSE—Older tattoos might change color due to poor ink quality, but modern inks are much more durable and last longer.

Fully Healed Tattoo Editorial @aureoroma

What NOT to Do After Getting a Tattoo

To ensure optimal healing, avoid these activities:

  • Don’t take hot baths, especially for the first few weeks (no hot tubs or swimming pools).

  • Avoid direct sun exposure for the first 2-3 weeks.

  • Do not wear tight clothing over the tattoo that might rub or irritate it.

  • Avoid heavy exercise during the first few days to prevent sweating and irritation.

  • Don’t shave on or near the tattoo during the healing phase.

Our Final Thoughts

While getting a tattoo is an exciting and rewarding experience, the healing process is just as important to ensure your tattoo heals beautifully and stays vibrant for years to come. By following your tattoo artist’s aftercare instructions and practicing good hygiene, you’ll be well on your way to showcasing a stunning piece of art that you'll be proud of.

Remember: Patience and proper care are key to a healthy, long-lasting tattoo. If you take good care of your tattoo, you’ll be able to admire your new ink for many years ahead!

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